FDB Climate Smart Agriculture Guarantee Facility – Feasibility Study: Farmer Survey
“Boosting Fiji’s food security and livelihoods in a changing climate: A market assessment for designing a credit guarantee finance facility to unlock the potential of Climate-Smart Agriculture solutions in Fiji.”
The Fiji Development Bank (FDB) is designing a credit guarantee finance facility for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) loans with the support of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) as part of a proposal to the Green Climate Fund. This collaborative effort will assess the potential market for CSA improvements, various products, and business models, and address environmental, gender, and social inclusion considerations, supporting both FDB’s and GGGI’s approach to offering sustainable finance to support farmers in Fiji.
The survey should take 15 – 20 minutes and will run till the 8th of March 2024. If you have further queries or need any clarifications, please contact Ritesh Chand via ritesh@talanoa-consulting-fiji.com.
Please click on the link to complete the Survey.