Ms Titilia V Kamil – General Manager Relationship & Sales
Titilia leads the Bank’s twelve branches’ Relationship and Sales teams across Fiji. Prior to being appointed to the role in 2022, she was the Manager Relationship & Sales Suva. She has 30 years of development banking experience, with a focus on relationship banking and sales. Titilia’s focus is on building sustainable growth and acquisition of a reputable customer base in a crowded and competitive market. Her position is critical in enabling her team to make informed decisions that will contribute to an increase in the Bank’s loan portfolio, in partnership with both internal and external stakeholders.
She is currently the Acting Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Christopher Douglas takes on the role of Acting General Manager Relationship and Sales.

Mr Saiyad Hussain – General Manager Finance & Administration
Saiyad has been with the Bank for more than 27 years. He has vast experience in devising budgets for the overall FDB strategic plan that incorporates profitability, growth, sustainability, and operating performance targets. Appointed to his senior role in 2010, he manages FDB’s Finance and Treasury, Properties, Information and Communication Technology and Marketing and Business Development departments. A qualified Chartered Accountant, he is a Board Director of the South Pacific Stock Exchange and a Member of the Fiji Institute of Bankers. He is also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). He has a Postgraduate Diploma in Banking and Financial Management and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Financial Management, Economics and Public Administration & Management from the University of the South Pacific.

Ms Priya Chand – Manager Enterprise Risk Management
Priya is a Certified Enterprise Risk Management Professional (CERMP) leading the ERM program of FDB. With over 15 years of internal audit and risk management experience, Priya has been instrumental in setting up the risk management platform for the Bank. She has vast experience in developing and implementing a structured way of identifying and managing risks through advanced guiding principles and policies. Priya is a credible and visible champion for a strong risk culture amongst colleagues and peers. She oversees and maintains the 2nd line of defense mechanism in line with agreed business strategies and Bank’s Risk Appetite statements. Acting as a trusted advisor to the respective Business Heads, she provides independent oversight, review and challenge for activities of Operational, Compliance, Market, Credit, Liquidity and Strategic Risks. She is a firm believer of empathetic leadership and respect. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting & Financial Management and Management & Public Administration from the University of the South Pacific.

Mr Bimal Sudhakar – General Manager Risk
Mr Bimal Sudhakar brings in over 18 years of local and regional banking and executive leadership experience to FDB. He has diverse experience in commercial banking and a grasp of credit and operational risk management. Appointed to his role in October 2021, he manages FDB’s Legal, Insurance and Records, Asset Management and Credit Risk and Approval departments and Enterprise Risk Management. Prior to taking up his position at FDB, Bimal held the position of General Manager Credit at HFC bank. He is known to be a people person with strong collaborative and interpersonal skills. He is also a very astute believer in healthy living and promotes work-life balance.

Ms Sheik Maizabeen Nisha – Manager Finance
She joined the Bank in 2005 and has held the position of Manager Finance at FDB since March 2012. Nisha holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting & Financial Management and Economics. She is a Chartered Accountant with the Fiji Institute of Charted Accountants and a member of CPA, Australia. She has over 15 years of professional experience in accounting and financial management. In her role as Manager Finance she is responsible for the all the Accounting, Finance and Treasury functions of the Bank. She shoulders the responsibility of coordinating the Bank’s budgeting processes, monitoring of expenditure, setting adequate financial controls, handling annual audits and sourcing funds to ensure that sufficient liquidity is maintained at all times. She is also the Board Secretary.

Mr Semisi Biumaiwai – General Manager Talent and Organisational Development
Semisi Biumaiwai is a seasoned HR practitioner, with almost two decades of combined experience in the government and private sector. He started working with the then Fiji Revenue & Customs Authority following the completion of his tertiary studies at the University of the South Pacific. After just over six years, he joined the ANZ Bank and spent the majority of his time in Fiji with stints across the Pacific, from Guam to Timor Leste to the Solomon Islands. His career has covered the breadth of the HR field, from the traditional personnel-type functions like pay and benefits on the one hand to more intensive and challenging duties like policy drafting and review, union negotiations and ER-related matters on the other. He is a firm believer that people are vital to the sustained success of any organization, and that culture and leadership are key in harnessing potential. Before being appointed to FDB in October 2021, he was the Senior Talent and Culture Business Partner at ANZ.