At the Fiji Development Bank, we recognize that our corporate governance framework plays a crucial role in supporting our business operations and that good governance and transparency are integral at all levels in order to achieve success in our goals. As such, the corporate governance framework is continually updated and now focuses less on agency conflicts and more on ethics, accountability, transparency and disclosure in alignment with stakeholder-friendly policies.
Corporate governance principles provide clear guidance on how authority should be exercised within the Bank in accordance with values and behaviors that demonstrates accountability, transparency and fair dealing and seek to protect stakeholder interests, including a commitment to excellence in governance standards.

The Bank focuses on the economic development of the nation as the reason for its existence. We believe in being part of the nation’s success story. The Bank continually strives to exceed customers’ expectations by offering products and services that meet the changing needs of all of our customers and by taking advantage of emerging opportunities before our competitors do. The Bank acknowledges and assumes responsibility for its actions with an overarching obligation to report, explain and be answerable for its actions and resulting consequences. The bank’s employees work as a team and communicate one message with respect to the development of Fiji and its people.
The Bank aims to exhibit the highest level of objectivity, honesty, transparency, fairness and responsibility at all times.