Six Fiji Development Bank (FDB) employees attended a two-day financial training to up skill their knowledge in techniques for developing small and medium size businesses with the aim of transferring knowledge to clients.
“FDB is positioning itself to become an active contributor towards building strong and responsive businesses in Fiji,” said FDB Chief Executive Officer, Mr Deve Toganivalu.
“Building capacity for our employees allows us to then transfer our knowledge and skills to our clients,” he said.
The Bank has a Small & Medium Enterprise facility specifically designed for the small and medium entrepreneur interested in starting or expanding their business and provides financial advisory services by our experienced lending team he said.
“So it is important to ensure that we continue to build our own capacity,” he said.
The Small Business Financial Training – Level 3 is facilitated by Pacific Island Private Sector Organization (PIPSO) and is delivered by Leslie Massey, from Australian Volunteers International (AVI), who has developed PIPSO’s Financial Toolkit for their financial training programmes.
The modules are designed to cover techniques that build on from the fundamental topics covered in levels 1 and 2 training.
Level 3 training covers an advanced module focusing on strategic planning, business costs and pricing, preparing a business plan, capital expenditure decisions, funding, debt and equity, valuing a Business and a bank’s view of finances.
Training Officer, Deepika Chand, Credit Risk Analyst SME, Alan Munivai, Policy & Procedure Development Officer, Ashwindra Kumar, Relationship and Sales Officers Aseri Vakatawa, Mosese Matasau and Uma Reddy attended the two-day training which concluded yesterday.
Six Fiji Development Bank (FDB) employees at the two-day financial training to up skill their knowledge in techniques for developing SMEs organized by PIPSO.
Six Fiji Development Bank (FDB) employees at the two-day financial training to up skill their knowledge in techniques for developing SMEs organized by PIPSO.